Friday, June 16

Citrus Juices Up Bone Health

A glass or two of orange, grapefruit or other citrus juice each day may help prevent osteoporosis-linked bone fracture, a new U.S. study in rats concludes.

Regular doses of grapefruit and orange juice helped prevent osteoporosis and strengthened bones in a study conducted on male rats with low levels of circulating testosterone.

"This is a problem with aging men, because the level of testosterone decreases as men age," lead researcher Dr. Farzad Deyhim, a professor of human and animal nutrition at Texas A & M-Kingsville, said in a prepared statement.

His team at the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center divided the rats into three groups: those with no change in diet; those who received orange juice; and those who received grapefruit juice. The rodents were fed fresh juice supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, to reduce acidity, every morning...more

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