Tuesday, November 7

Why Do We Have an Adam's Apple?

Contrary to popular belief, both males and females have Adam's apples, a chunk of bony cartilage that's wrapped around the larynx. In grown men they just stick out a lot more because of their larger voice boxes—also the reason why dudes speak in deeper tones.

read more | digg story

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May I politely disagree w/ Mr. Sam that the Adam's Apple does "not really" have a purpose? It most certainly does!!!! It is a protective purpose. This cricoid cartilage, a signet ring shape is the "housing" for your larynyx, or voicebox. You should have checked w/ a speech-languge pathologist before posting your blog. It would be very helpful to your readers, I'm sure, if you corrected this erroneous blog. Our Creator has given us no unnecessary parts. Thank you.