Monday, February 26

Pig-Out Picks

When the nation’s unofficial food police, the folks at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, evaluated popular restaurant dishes such as fettuccine Alfredo (“heart attack on a plate”) and Kung Pao chicken (“more than a day’s worth of salt”), the results made headlines and turned heads. But—how does that saying go?—you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Make that you ain’t eatin’ nothin’ yet.

On Monday, Feb. 26, CSPI announced its eight “X-treme Eating” nominees from various chain restaurants. This selection includes appetizers, entrées and desserts that each has almost a day’s worth of calories and several days’ worth of unhealthy fats. Here’s an MSN Health & Fitness exclusive look at the gut-busting choices.

Pizza Skins: The Center for Science in the Public Interest calls appetizers “the most treacherous territory on a restaurant menu.”...more

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