Thursday, August 2

Child's weight course is a family affair

DALLAS — Life for the Washington family has changed. Instead of fast food for dinner, they have grilled chicken and vegetables. Sugary drinks have been replaced with diet soda. Frisbee games in their yard have encroached on television time.
It's been more than two months since the Washingtons — Bill, Sue and their 9-year-old daughter Alana — completed a family program for children struggling with their weight and now they're trying to stick to their nutrition and fitness goals.

"It's been gradual," said Bill Washington on a summer afternoon as Alana snacked on grapes, low-fat crackers and low-fat cheese. "I've noticed her willingness to participate and be active in healthy decisions."

Alana misses doughnuts, but concedes that she enjoys much of the healthier fare her family has been eating. She prefers baked Cheetos to the regular ones, loves diet Mountain Dew and has even developed a love for snow peas.

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