Monday, June 11

Study: Vitamins Tied to Prostate Cancer

WASHINGTON -- There's more worrisome news about vitamins: Taking too many may increase men's risk of dying from prostate cancer.

The study, being published Wednesday, doesn't settle the issue. But it is the biggest yet to suggest high-dose multivitamins may harm the prostate, and the latest chapter in the confusing quest to tell whether taking various vitamins really helps a variety of conditions _ or is a waste of money, or worse.

A new study says taking too many vitamins may increase men's risk of dying from prostate cancer. The study doesn't settle the issue, but it's the biggest yet to suggest high-dose multivitamins may harm the prostate. (AP GRAPHIC) (AP)

Government scientists turned to a study tracking the diet and health of almost 300,000 men. About a third reported taking a daily multivitamin, and 5 percent were heavy users, swallowing the pills more than seven times a week.

Within five years of the study's start, 10,241 men had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Some 1,476 had advanced cancer; 179 died.

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